[SIXTEENTH QUEENS LANCERS.] Standing Orders of the Sixteenth Queen's Lancers, 1852. 16th/5th LANCERS £80
AMERICAN & AUSTRALIAN ANTI-AIRCRAFT BRIGADE. On Target. With the American and Australian Anti-Aircraft… 1943. £50
LLOYD (General [Henry Humphrey Evans]) & PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM A fascinating album with images of the aftermath… 1880. £5,500
PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM, CHINA. & RANDALL (Henry, Petty Officer) A very good album of snaps mostly taken … 1899. £1,500
GANDHI (Mohandas Karamchand) [known as Mahatma Gandhi],, DESAI (Mahadev) & & NAIR (Pyarelal) Translators. The Story of my Experiments with Truth, 1929. FIRST EDITION BOUND IN KHADI £9,500
MARDEN (A[rthur] W[illiam], Major) & & NEWBIGGING (W[illiam] P[atrick] E[ric], Capt. & Adjt.) Rough Diary of the Doings of the 1st… 1904. £450