York and Albany (Frederick Augustus, Duke of)

2pp. LS transmitting a Busaco Medal to the Family of Brig.-Gen. Francis John Colman.

2pp. LS in a secretarial hand, signed by the Duke as Commander in Chief. Lightly browned, old folds with slight splitting at the central fold, no loss. Dated Horse Guards, 12th November, 1813.

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Colman's "Medal commemorative of [the] brilliant Victory" of Busaco was sent to a representative of his family, Edward Colman Esq. of Hertford Street, Mayfair, as the Brigadier-General had died in Lisbon in 1811 "His death was a consequence of fever and debility brought on by the exertions of his profession. He was buried at Lisbon on the 14th, with distinguished military honours. His funeral was attended by all the Portuguese regiments in garrison, and all the English Generals of our Army in that city, including Generals Leith, Sir Stapleton Cotton, Peacock, Stopford &c. By the death of this very amiable and respectable Gentleman, and excellent Officer, the valuable place of Serjeant at Arms of the House of Commons becomes vacant." [From a contemporary obituary.]

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