BATES (Henry Walter).

The Naturalist on the River Amazons,

A record of adventures, Habits of Animals, Sketches of Brazilian and Indian Life, and Aspects of Nature under the equator, During Eleven Years of Travel. First edition. 2 vols. Folding map & 9 plates, with illustrations in the text. Small 8vo. Original plum pictorial cloth, rebacked, library stickers to upper board of vol 1 and lower board of vol 2, library stamps to both vols. ix, 351; vi, 423pp. London, John Murray, 1863.


Darwin encouraged Bates to write this famous work and described it thus: “It is a grand book and, whether or not it sells, it will last.” The author formed an enormous collection of insects during this period and was one of the great naturalists of his age. Borba, p91.

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