BLAINVILLE (Monsieur de). Travels through Holland, Germany, Switzerland, but especially Italy, 1757. £800
LETTS (Malcolm, F.S.A.), translator and editor. The Travels of Leo of Rozmital through Germany,… 1957. £45
BECKINGHAM (C.F.) & HUNTINGFORD (G.W.B.), translators and editors. Some Records of Ethiopia 1593-1646. Being Extracts from… 1954. £45
WRIGHT (Irene A., B.A., F.R.Hist.S.), translator and editor. Further English Voyages to Spanish America 1583-1594. Documents… 1967. £45
LETTS (Malcolm, F.S.A.), translator and editor. The Pilgrimage of Arnold von Harff, Knight, from… 1967. £45
WRIGHT (Louis B.) & FREUND (Virginia), editors. The Historie of Travell into Virginia Britania (1612)… 1953. £45
CRAWFORD (O.G.S.), editor. Ethiopian Itineraries circa 1400-1524. Including those Collected by… 1958. £45
FAWCETT (Lady), translator., FAWCETT (Sir Charles) & BURN (Sir Richard), editors. The Travels of the Abbé Carre in India… 1967. £120
DEBENHAM (Frank, O.B.E., M.A.), editor. The Voyage of Captain Bellingshausen to the Antarctic… 1945. £45
[VANDERMAELEN (Philippe Marie)]. Partie, Pays de Nedjd. Asie 78, 1827. ONE OF THE FIRST PRINTED MAPS TO SHOW RIYADH £3,750
WHITE (Corporal Charles Fred). Plea of the Negro Soldier and A Hundred… 1908. INSCRIBED WITH A PROMOTIONAL PAMPHLET £3,000
HASAN (Zaki Muhammad). Atlas al-funun al-zakhrafiyah wa-al-tasawir al-Islamiyah. [Atlas of Islamic… 1956. HANDSOME SURVEY OF ISLAMIC DECORATIVE ARTS £950
[DOUGLASS (Frederick)] & GREGORY (James M.) Frederick Douglass the Orator. Containing an Account of… 1893. THE FIRST BIOGRAPHY OF DOUGLASS BY A BLACK AUTHOR £2,000
KING Jr. (Martin Luther). Dear Friend: Our national government , 1968. KING'S LAST & MOST DARING DREAM £2,250