BLAYNEY (Major-General Lord). Narrative of a Forced Journey through Spain and… 1814. Rare account of Occupied Spain £650
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[TRIGG MARITIME ARCHITECTS] 19th Century model of an Oriental Steam Yacht, 1880. SUPERB MODEL SHIP £27,500
[NAPOLEONIC WARS]. & [ARGENTINA]. Noticias del Exercito Frances. Empleado contra los Rusos,… 1807. NEWS OF WAR IN EUROPE £850
[JEAN (Philip).] Admiral Skeffington Lutwidge (1735-1814), 1795. COMMANDER ON THE PHIPPS ARCTIC EXPEDITION £19,750
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[WATT (Donald Cameron)] [contrib.] Conference of Scholars on the European Recovery Program… 1964. With ALS from Truman £75
SALICIS ([Gustave], Capitaine de Frégate) Études sur la Siège de Paris (1870-71) L'Artillerie, 1871. £75
[ROLAND (Marie-Jeanne)] Appel a l'Impartiale Postérité, par la Citoyenne Roland,… 1795. "O Liberté, que de crimes on commet en ton nom!" - the Autobiography of Madame Roland. £250