WINDHAM (William) & & TOWNSHEND (George, Lord Visc[ount]) A Plan of Discipline for the Use of… 1768. £1,500
[ZEPPELIN (Ferdinand, Graf von)] & FISCHER (Prof. Dr. Ludwig) Graf Zeppelin - Sein Leben - Sein Werk, 1929. £325
[IRAQ & KURDISTAN.] & UNIDENTIFIED PHOTOGRAPHER. Photograph album complied by an RAF serviceman in… 1932. Kurdistan during the Ahmed Barzani revolt £750
WYLLY (Colonel H[enry] C[armichael]) XVth (The King's) Hussars 1759 to 1913, 1914. 15th/19th HUSSARS £325
[SUVOROV (Marshal Alexander Vasilevich)] & GUILLAUMANCHES-DUBOSCAGE (Gabriel-Pierre-Isidore de) Précis Historique sur le Célèbre Feld-Maréchal Comte Souworow… 1808. £225
SAINT-CYR ([Alexis Frederic Léonard] Le Comte de) Notes sur le Génie, la Discipline Militaire et… 1783. £850
[NAPIER (Charles James, Major-General Sir)] & GREEN (Edward, Lieut.-Colonel) [compiler] Compilation of the General Orders, &c., issued in… 1850. £400
[BRIALMONT (Capitaine Henri-Alexis)] Résumé d'Études sur les Principes Généraux de la… 1856. INSCRIBED BY BRIALMONT £200
VALLE (Giambattista delle). Vallo libro continente appertinente à Capitanii, retenere &… 1531. £1,250
HAMILTON (Colonel Henry Blackburne) Historical Record of the 14th (King's) Hussars, 1901. 14TH/20TH KING'S HUSSARS £250
WEBB (Lieut.-Col. E[dward] [Arthur] H[oward]) History of the 12th. (The Suffolk Regiment), 1685-1913, 1914. £125