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UNIDENTIFIED PHOTOGRAPHER. & [INDIA]. Photograph album following the 1/4 Queen's Signal Section, 1919. £2,000
[D'ARÇON (Jean-Claude-Elénore le Michaud).] Conseil de Guerre Privé sur l'Evénement de Gibraltar… 1785. £950
CURTIS (John). (Editior). Shipwreck of the Stirling Castle, containing a faithful narrative… 1838. £1,250
LAS CASAS (Barthaolomaei). Istoria ò brevissima relatione Della Distruttione dell' Indie… 1640. DEFENDING THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF SPANISH AMERICA £5,000
PTOLEMY (Claudius). & RUSCELLI (Girolamo). Geographia Cl. Ptolomaei Alexandrini olim a Bilibaldo Pirckheimerio… 1562. £12,000
SMITS (H. D. A.) & & MELVILL (Baron of Carnbee). The Seaman's Guide Round Java ... and round… 1850. WITH THE MAP £950
KING AWOOCKU OF BATO. ALS to Edmund Barneman, Advocate of Accra, 1880. AN AFRICAN KING REFERS TO THE SLAVE TRADE £750
GAGE (M[oreton] F[oley], Captain) [ed.] Records of the Dorset Imperial Yeomanry. 1894-1905, 1906. £850
BELLIN (Jacques Nicolas). Observations sur la carte du Golphe du Mexique, et… 1749. The Frank S. Streeter copy £4,250
[WATT (Donald Cameron)] [contrib.] Conference of Scholars on the European Recovery Program… 1964. With ALS from Truman £75
SALICIS ([Gustave], Capitaine de Frégate) Études sur la Siège de Paris (1870-71) L'Artillerie, 1871. £75
[ROLAND (Marie-Jeanne)] Appel a l'Impartiale Postérité, par la Citoyenne Roland,… 1795. "O Liberté, que de crimes on commet en ton nom!" - the Autobiography of Madame Roland. £250