KIRBY (F. Vaughan). In Haunts of Wild Game, 1896. "ONE OF THE CLASSICS OF AFRICAN SPORT" (Czech) £500
GUERRY DE MAUBREUIL (Marie-Armand, Marquis d'Orvault) Translation of an Address to the Congress: To… 1818. £250
CLARKE (The Rev. James Stanier) & & M'ARTHUR (John) The Life of Admiral Lord Nelson, K.B, 1809. The "authorised" Nelson from the Library of a Nile and Trafalgar Veteran. £2,750
[NICKLIN (Philip Houlbrooke).] Letters Descriptive of the Virginia Springs; the Roads… 1835. AUTHOR'S PRESENTATION COPY £400
COVERTE (Robert). A True and almost incredible Report of an… 1614. The East India Company in the Middle East £12,500
[NAPIER (Major-General Sir Charles James)] & GREEN (Lieut.-Colonel Edward) [compiler] Compilation of the General Orders, &c., issued in… 1850. £250
SEEMANN (Berthold). Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Herald during… 1853. DIVERTED FOR FRANKLIN £2,000