ROUSSEAU (Jean-Jacques) Du contrat social, ou principes du droit politique, 1772. UNCOMMON COUNTERFEIT EDITION OF ROUSSEAU'S MOST FAMOUS WORK £750
[CONDORCET (Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas Caritat, Marquis de).] & [BAUDEAU (Abbe Nicolas).] Éclaircissements demandés à M. N**[ecker], sur ses principes… 1775. £2,500
SCHMALZ (Thedor Anton Heinrich). Économie politique, ouvrage traduit de l'allemand par Henri… 1826. £450
[MARX (Karl).] & HYNDMAN (Henry Mayers). England for All. Dedicated to the Democratic and… 1881. PLAGIARIZING MARX: THE FIRST PARTIAL APPEARANCE OF KAPITAL IN BRITAIN £2,500
MARCUSE (Herbert). Eros and Civilization: A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud, 1955. A PRESENTATION COPY. £1,250
KEYNES (John Maynard). Essays in Biography. New Edition with Three Additional… 1951. 'ECONOMICS IS A VERY DANGEROUS SCIENCE.' £125
[ROBBINS (Lionel).], PESTON (Maurice). & CORRY (Bernard). Editors. Essays in Honour of Lord Robbins, 1972. £40
ROBINSON (Joan). Essays in the Theory of Employment, 1937. ROBINSON’S ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO KEYNESIANISM. £450
ROBINSON (Joan). Essays in the Theory of Employment, 1937. ROBINSON’S ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO KEYNESIANISM. £350
KALECKI (Michal). & ROBINSON (Joan). Introduction. Essays on Developing Economies. With an Introduction by… 1976. £75