SHAKESPEARE HEAD PRESS. & MACKENNA (Stephen). Plotinus the Beautiful. Being the sixth treatise of… 1908. £80
[JEAN (Philip).] Admiral Skeffington Lutwidge (1735-1814), 1795. COMMANDER ON THE PHIPPS ARCTIC EXPEDITION £19,750
THE GOLDEN COCKEREL PRESS. Cock-a-hoop: A Sequel to Chanticleer, Pertelote, and Cockalorum, 1976. £300
HARA (Hiromu)] designer. & NATORI (Yonosuke)] photographer. Kikuwansha no hanashi [Talking about Locomotives], 1944. £850
BLAKE (William). & TRIANON PRESS The Complete Portraiture of William and Catherine Blake.… 1977. £150
BLAKE (William). & Keynes (Geoffrey). Engravings by William Blake. The Separate Plates. A… 1956. £120
BATEMAN (Charles S.L.) Original drawings and watercolours for the author's 'The… Remarkable original artworks £17,500
MARET (Russell) & LOEBER (Nancy) Linear A to Linear Z, deluxe edition, 2015. Copy XIV of XX special copies bound in quarter white leather £3,500