[DOUGLASS (Frederick).] "An Appeal to Congress for Impartial Suffrage" [and]… 1867. "SLAVERY IS NOT ABOLISHED UNTIL THE BLACK MAN HAS THE BALLOT" £3,750
STARBUCK (Darius Henry). [A remarkable ALS relating to the fate of… 1849. PLEADING WITH GERRIT SMITH FOR “THE FREEDOM OF EIGHT SLAVES” £3,000
CROWTHER (Rev. Samuel). [ALS to Rev. Sheppard describing a trip up… 1860. A NIGERIAN BISHOP IN NIGERIA £2,250
BREÜILLY (M.) [Passport allowing an enslaved man to travel to… 1771. A RARE PASSPORT GRANTING AN ENSLAVED MAN PASSAGE TO HAITI £3,750
[WOMEN WRESTLERS] [Small archive of material relating to a women's… 1949. CHEROKEE TOMAHAWK vs TEXAS TORNADO £500
[FRENCH CARICATURES]. A collection of 17 rare French caricatures on… 1805. HOW THE FRENCH VIEW THE ENGLISH £15,000
DRAKE (J.F.) & HARDY (J. Garrick). A Panorama of Progress of the Negro in… 1959. THE ONLY PUBLISHED EDITION £1,750
[ASAI (Chu), artist.] & [YAGI (Genkichi) artist]. A Pictorial Museum of Japanese Manners & Customs, 1887. £1,800
FOLARIN (Adebesin). A Short Historical Review of the Life of… 1931. A RARE LOCAL HISTORY PRINTED IN ABEOKUTA £750
[KING Jr. (Martin Luther) president], & SOUTHERN CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE. Africa Freedom Dinner Program. Honoring: Mr. Tom Mboya,… 1959. CIVIL RIGHTS & AFRICAN INDEPENDENCE £1,500
SAUNDERS (William). & GRIFFITH (David Knox), and other photographers. Album and scrapbook relating to Chinkiang (Zhenjiang), 1880. C.19TH CHINKIANG THROUGH THE LENS OF A WESTERN MERCHANT £28,000
ARMISTEAD (Wilson). ALS to a fellow Quaker regarding Paul Cuffe, 1850. AN IMPORTANT QUAKER ON PAUL CUFFE £2,500
[WILBERFORCE (William).] An Abstract of the Evidence delivered before a… 1791. A VITAL CONTRIBUTION TOWARD THE ABOLITION PROCESS £4,250
[EDDY (Thomas).] An Account of the State Prison or Penitentiary… 1801. PRISON DESIGN AND REFORM IN NEW YORK £950
THOMAS (Nathan). Articles of Agreement between Nathan Thomas Agent of… 1868. THE ECHOS OF SLAVERY DURING RECONSTRUCTION £4,750
CHURCHILL W. S. Autograph Letter Signed ('Winston S. Churchill') to 'My… 1910. Letter written while Churchill was Home Secretary thanking Mallet £3,000
[PAINE (Thomas)]. Buff; or, a Dissertation on Nakedness: A Parody… 1792. "THE GRAND CHORUS OF THE RIGHTS OF MAN IS CHANGED INTO A CAZONETTA ON NAKEDNESS" £5,000
TRIGAULT (Nicolas). De Christianis apvd Iaponios trivmphis sive de gravissima… 1623. FIRST ILLUSTRATED ACCOUNT OF JESUIT MARTYRDOMS IN JAPAN £16,000
KING Jr. (Martin Luther). Dear Friend: Our national government , 1968. KING'S LAST & MOST DARING DREAM £2,250
CHINA MARITIME CUSTOMS. Decennial Reports on the Trade, Navigation, Industries, etc.,… 1924. RARE £2,500
ROUSSEAU (Jean-Jacques) Du contrat social, ou principes du droit politique, 1772. UNCOMMON COUNTERFEIT EDITION OF ROUSSEAU'S MOST FAMOUS WORK £750
FITZ GERALD LEE (J.) & RADCLIFFE (F.W.) For Staff College Candidates. The Indian Mutiny, 1860. LESSONS FROM THE INDIAN MUTINY £950
[DOUGLASS (Frederick)] & GREGORY (James M.) Frederick Douglass the Orator. Containing an Account of… 1893. THE FIRST BIOGRAPHY OF DOUGLASS BY A BLACK AUTHOR £2,000
[STRATTON (Charles Sherwood)] & [BARNUM (P. T.)]. Gen. Tom Thumb, 1847. MINIATURE VISITING CARD OF THE FAMED PERFORMER £500
[EAST (Sir Edward Hyde)], & BRIERLY, publisher. GET OUT OF THE WAY. As the new Premier--has now… 1835. AN UNRECORDED SATIRE CONCERNING COFFEE, CHICORY AND SUGAR £750
UNKNOWN AUTHOR Jochu michi shirube [Guide to becoming a female… 1712. Manual for women working in high ranking households; not in OCLC £2,500