SAUNDERS (William). & GRIFFITH (David Knox), and other photographers. Album and scrapbook relating to Chinkiang (Zhenjiang), 1880. C.19TH CHINKIANG THROUGH THE LENS OF A WESTERN MERCHANT £28,000
OUIDA, [Marie Louise de la Ramée] Moths, 1894. "Marriage could never bring her aught better than it brought her already - a luxurious and ornamented slavery..." £175
OUIDA [Marie Louise de la Ramée] Held in Bondage, 1893. An "immature and most imperfect romance." (Ouida) £125
OUIDA [Marie Louise de la Ramée] A Village Commune, 1882. "... it is a little Italian borgo, like many other, lying under the sweet blue skies of this beloved and lovely land that has been mother to Theocritus and Tasso." £100
OUIDA [Marie Louise de la Ramée] Strathmore, 1886. "Those swift, silent Strathmores, they are very cold, they say, and love very rarely; but when they love, it must be imperiously, passionately, madly, tout au rien." £125
OUIDA [Marie Louise de la Ramée] Strathmore, 1882. "Those swift, silent Strathmores, they are very cold, they say, and love very rarely; but when they love, it must be imperiously, passionately, madly, tout au rien." £100
IWAI (Taketoshi)., KATO (Minoo). & KAWAI (Kanjiro). design Kyoto minka fu [Record of Kyoto's Minka Houses], 1934. A LAST LOOK £2,200
[NEWTON (John)]. An Authentic Narrative of some Remarkable and Interesting… 1764. THE VERY RARE FIRST EDITION OF NEWTON'S REMARKABLE CONVERSION £17,500
[SCOTT (Capt. Robert Falcon).] Captain Scott's Trip to the South Pole, British… 1912. EARLY NEWS FROM SCOTT'S LAST EXPEDITION £2,000
JONES (David). & CLOVER HILL EDITIONS. Thirteen Wood Engravings by David Jones for The… 1979. "Engravings of tremendous power, in which the harmony between the designs and the type was managed with great skill" £800
UEDA (Akinari). & MURASE (Kotei), preface. Seifu Sagen [Miscellaneous Comments on Pure Elegance], 1912. VERY RARE £750
CHARCOT (Jean-Baptiste). Le pourquois Pas? dans l'Antarctique. Journal de la… 1910. INSCRIBED BY CHARCOT. £950
[STRATTON (Charles Sherwood)] & [BARNUM (P. T.)]. Gen. Tom Thumb, 1847. MINIATURE VISITING CARD OF THE FAMED PERFORMER £500
INDIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE "D". Christmas card made by the I.E.F. "D" in… 1915. Happy Christmas from Mesopotamia £50
TRIGAULT (Nicolas). De Christianis apvd Iaponios trivmphis sive de gravissima… 1623. FIRST ILLUSTRATED ACCOUNT OF JESUIT MARTYRDOMS IN JAPAN £16,000
[WILBERFORCE (William).] An Abstract of the Evidence delivered before a… 1791. A VITAL CONTRIBUTION TOWARD THE ABOLITION PROCESS £4,250
RANDALL (John). The Semi-Virgilian Husbandry, Deduced from Various Experiments: or,… 1764. WITH MANUSCRIPT ANNOTATIONS £850
[MEDICAL AND COOKERY RECIPES]. Manuscript book containing culinary and medical recipes from… 1800. MANUSCRIPT COOKERY AND MEDICAL RECIPES £4,000
STARBUCK (Darius Henry). [A remarkable ALS relating to the fate of… 1849. PLEADING WITH GERRIT SMITH FOR “THE FREEDOM OF EIGHT SLAVES” £3,000
BRYSON (Alexander). An Account of the Origin, Spread, & Decline… 1849. DEBATING THE CAUSES & TREATMENT OF YELLOW FEVER IN SIERRA LEONE £750
OGATA (Gekko). Gekko Zuihitsu [Gekko’s Miscellaneous Jottings], 1896. A complete album of Ogata Gekko's masterpiece £8,500
SAY (Jean-Baptiste). Mélanges et correspondance d'économie politique, ouvrage posthume de… 1833. £250