SARTRE (Jean-Paul). L'Être et le Néant. Essai d'ontologie phénoménologique, 1943. BEING AND NOTHINGNESS: INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR £3,750
[DIPLOMA] Venetian doctoral diploma, illuminated manuscript on vellum, 1644. DEGREE DIPLOMA FROM A PAPER UNIVERSITY £8,000
RILEY (Dominic) & ROSENBLOOM (Megan) Dark Archives: A Librarian's Investigation into the Science… 2020. DEFINITELY NOT BOUND IN HUMAN SKIN £5,000
BLACKWELL (Dr. Elizabeth). The Laws of Life, with special reference to… 1858. TO AMERICAN WOMEN £3,250
RAMAZAN-ZADE (Mehmed). Tarih-i Nisanci Mehmed Pasa. (The History of Nisanci… 1862. First printed history of Sokollu Mehmed Pasha £850
ROUSSEAU (Jean-Jacques) Du contrat social, ou principes du droit politique, 1772. UNCOMMON COUNTERFEIT EDITION OF ROUSSEAU'S MOST FAMOUS WORK £750
HUME (David). & ROTWEIN (Eugene). Edited with an Introduction. Writings on Economics. Edited and introduced by Eugene… 1955. £175
OBRUCHEV (Sergey Vladimirovich). Ot Iakutska Do Beringova Proliva, 1940. YAKUTSK TO THE BERING STRAIT £950
CRESSY-MARCKS (Violet Olivia). [A small archive of her books, photographs and… 1915. A FEMALE EXPLORER WHO CLAIMED TO HAVE VISITED EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD £3,000
UNITED STATES BOARD ON GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES. Gazetteer No. 14: Geographic Names of Antarctica, 1956. £50