CHESNEY (General Francis Rawdon). Narrative of the Euphrates Expedition ... During the… 1868. AUTHOR'S PRESENTATION COPY £2,750
[IRAQ & KURDISTAN.] & UNIDENTIFIED PHOTOGRAPHER. Photograph album complied by an RAF serviceman in… 1932. Kurdistan during the Ahmed Barzani revolt £750
QUETTA MEDICAL MISSION. Reports for 1931 (Following on in Quetta), 1932… 1932. A glimpse of Quetta before the earthquake £450
WYLLY (Colonel H[enry] C[armichael]) XVth (The King's) Hussars 1759 to 1913, 1914. 15th/19th HUSSARS £325
SASSOON (Siegfried). & HODGSON (Ralph). Silver Wedding and other Poems [and] The Muse… 1942. From Sassoon's library £250