WARD (Rowland). Horn Measurements and Weights of the Great Game… 1892. FIRST IN THE FAMOUS SERIES £1,100
LA CONDAMINE (Charles Marie de.) Lettre de M.D.L.C. a M***, 1773. FEMALE TRAVELLER ON THE AMAZON £575
BURTON (Richard F.). & MARCY (Capt. Randolph B.) The Prairie Traveller, 1863. EDITED & WITH NOTES BY SIR RICHARD BURTON £4,500
MARTINEZ (Esteban José), & FISHER (Vivian C.) trans./ed. His Voyage in 1779 to Supply Alta California, 2003. £75
WARD (Rowland). Horn Measurements and Weights of the Great Game… 1892. THE FIRST OF THIS FAMOUS SERIES £750
HAMILTON (Colonel Henry Blackburne) Historical Record of the 14th (King's) Hussars, 1901. 14TH/20TH KING'S HUSSARS £250
WEBB (Lieut.-Col. E[dward] [Arthur] H[oward]) History of the 12th. (The Suffolk Regiment), 1685-1913, 1914. £125
DENHAM (Major Dixon) & & CLAPPERTON (Captain Hugh). Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and… 1828. £625