LUTZ (Friedrich A.) & MINTS (Lloyd W.) Editors. Readings in Monetary Theory. Selected by a Committee… 1952. £50
STIGLITZ (Joseph E.) & GREENWALD (Bruce C.) Creating a Learning Society. A New Approach to… 2014. £75
TUBERINUS (Johannes) Carmen ad gravem: sanctumque senatum Lipsensem: de orgijs… 1512. HEAVILY ANNOTATED £2,250
ALLEN PRESS & WHARTON (Edith) Quartet: Four Stories, 1975. Finely printed and illustrated by the Allen Press £400
MATSUMOTO (Matsuzo) owner. Soken-an bijutsu shusei zuroku & Zoku Soken-an bijutsu… 1933. THE REMARKABLE ART COLLECTION OF AN EMBEZZLER £850
BURNEY (James). A Chronological History of the Discoveries in the… 1817. HISTORY OF EARLY PACIFIC EXPLORATION BY A VETERAN OF COOK'S VOYAGES £15,000
[ALABAMA CLAIMS.] Exposé des États-Unis present au Tribunal d'arbitrage reuni… 1871. THE FOUNDATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW £2,500
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