[MILL]., KINZER (Bruce)., ROBSON (Ann P.) & ROBSON (John M.) A Moralist In and Out of Parliament. John… 1992. £50
BIAGINI (Eugenio)., Editor. Citizenship and Community. Liberals, radicals and collective identities… 1996. £50
MANDER (W.J.) & SELL (Alan)., Editors. The Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century British Philosophers, 2002. £350
CHAUCER (Geoffrey) & BASILISK PRESS The Basilisk Press facsimile of the Kelmscott Chaucer. ×, 1974. THE PRINTER'S OWN COPY £2,500
TENNYSON, Alfred, Lord (1809-1892). Poet. Autograph Letter (Third Person) requesting a paraffin oil… The frost is here, And fuel is dear: Tennyson's heating concerns £500
[BRAZIL.] & XAVIER DE MENDONÇA FURTADO ( Francisco) Directorio que se deve observar nas povoaçoens dos… 1758. £2,500
TOFIÑO DE SAN MIGUEL (Don Vincente). Costas de Portugal y Galicia [Coastal recognition profiles], 1789. £200
ELIOT (T.S.) & JONES (David). In Parenthesis, 1961. 'The greatest book about the first world war' £4,000
DOBSON Austin (1840-1921). Poet and essayist. Autograph Letter Signed ("Austin Dobson") to "My dear… Sodalitas Convivium £100
WOLSELEY, Sir Garnet (1833-1913). Field Marshal. 2 Autograph Letters Signed ("Wolseley", "G. Wolseley") to… 1899. One letter dated shortly before the Second Boer War £500
WOLSELEY, Sir Garnet (1833-1913). Field Marshal. Autograph Letter Signed ("G. Wolseley") to "My dear… "I get my cigars from Benson & Hedges, 13 Old Bond Street" £295