GROENEWEGEN (Peter)., BERGERON (Louis). & JESSUA (Claude). Henri de Saint-Simons “Du systeme industriel”, 1998. £65
GROENEWEGEN (Peter)., BACKHAUS (Jurgen G.), EISERMANN (Gottfriend). & SCHINZINGER (Francesca). Wilhem Roscher und seine Geschicte der National-Oekonomik in… 1992. £75
KAUFHOLD (Karl Heinrich)., SCHUMANN (Josef). & GROENEWEGEN (Peter). Hans von Mangoldt und sein Grundriß der Volkswirthschaftslehre, 1995. £75
[MOORE (G.E.)], AMBROSE (Alice). & LAZEROWITZ (Morris). (Edited by). G.E. Moore. Essays in Retrospect, 1970. £75
HICKS (John Richard). & HICKS (Ursula Kathleen). Public Finance in the National Income, 1939. INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHORS £850
CONDILLAC (Étienne Bonnot; Abbé de). Commerce and Government considered in their mutual relationship, 1997. £75
[CAIRNES (John Elliott).] & WEINBERG (Adelaide). John Elliott Cairnes and the American Civil War.… 1970. £50
[MARSHALL (Alfred).] & GROENEWEGEN (Peter). (Edited by). Official Papers of Alfred Marshall. A Supplement, 1998. £50
HAIDLAUFF (Sebastian) Der Augspurgerischen Confession, und diser verwandtes Predicanten, jetziger newer Grundtfest,… 1573. £2,500