IRVING, (Henry). Actor (1838-1905) Autograph Letter Signed ("H Irving") to an unidentified… 1893. £150
HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. & [CULLUM (Sir Thomas Gery).] [Archive of documents, letters ephemera, and publications concerning… 1827. WITH THE VERY RARE FOUNDATION DOCUMENT £8,500
ALBANIS DE BEAUMONT (Jean-François) Voyage historique et pittoresque du comté du Nice, 1787. THE BEGINNING OF THE PICTURESQUE £10,000
GIBBONS (John), S.J. & SCHANAEUS (Petrus) De sacrosanctae eucharistiae communion sub una specie. Disputatio theologica… 1583. COMMUNION CONTROVERSY £1,250
MARSHALL (William). Rural Economy of Glocestershire; including its dairy: together… 1789. A LOVELY COPY £950
BRADFORD (William). Last Gleam of the Midnight Sun, 1878. A PREPARATORY STUDY FOR "MIDNIGHT SUN, THE ARCTIC." £12,500
DARWIN (Charles). The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation… 1871. AN IMPORTANT ASSOCIATION COPY £9,500
[OWEN (Robert).] & MACNAB (Henry Grey). The New Views of Mr. Owen of Lanark… 1819. A PROTO-SOCIALIST COMMUNITY IN SCOTLAND £2,750