GOVERNMENT OF IRAQ, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Al-madatan al-thaniat wal-tasi'at min mithaq Jami'at al-Duwal al-'Arabiyah...… 1947. Arab Brotherhood and Alliance £1,750
WANYAN LINQING. (author). Hong xue yin yuan tu ji [An Illustrated… 1849. THE MOST RICHLY ILLUSTRATED AUTO-BIOGRAPHY IN CHINA £18,500
SYMSON (William). A new voyage to the East-indies. Viz. I.… 1715. With a Description of Muscat £9,500
BURBANK (Capt. J.) Allied Military Government of Occupied Territory, 1943. FRUIT & VEGETABLES IN WARTIME ITALY £950
KILIAN (Georg Christoph) Denkmäler des Alten Roms oder Sammlung der vornehmsten… 1767. RARE FIRST EDITIONS OF TWO SUPERB COLLECTIONS OF PLATES £6,500
[APRES DE MANNEVILLETTE (Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas-Denis)]. Instructions sur la Navigation des Indes Orientales et… 1775. £1,000