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AUMANN (Robert J.) & SHAPLEY (L.S.) Values of Non-Atomic Games, 1974. 'A MOST PROLIFIC COLLABORATION' £450
[AUXIRON (Claude-François Joseph d’).] Principes de tout Gouvernement, ou Examen des Causes… 1766. £750
AYER (Alfred J.) & WINCH (Raymond). Editors. British Empirical Philosophers. Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Reid and… 1952. £65
[BALOGH (Lord Thomas).] & STREETEN (Paul). Edited by. Unfashionable Economics. Essays in Honour of Lord Balogh, 1970. £35
[BAUDEAU (Abbe Nicolas).] Première Introduction à la philosophie économique; ou analyse… 1771. £2,000
BECKER (Gary S.) Human Capital. A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with… 1964. BECKER'S MOST FAMOUS BOOK – INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR WITH THE RARE DUST JACKET £5,000
BENTHAM (Jeremy). Codification Proposal, Addressed by Jeremy Bentham to all… 1822. THE REVISION OF ALL JURIDICIAL IDEAS UNDER THE PRINCIPLE OF UTILITY. £1,100
BIAGINI (Eugenio)., Editor. Citizenship and Community. Liberals, radicals and collective identities… 1996. £50