GANN (W.D.) 45 Years in Wall Street. A Review of… 1949. AN INFLUENTIAL BUT DEEPLY ECCENTRIC FINANCIAL TRADER £1,500
NASH (John Forbes, Jr.), MAYBERRY (John). & SHUBIK (Martin). A Comparison of Treatments of a Duopoly Situation, 1953. NASH ON COURNOT £1,500
[KANT (Immanuel).] & NITSCH (Friedrich August). A General and Introductory View of Professor Kant's… 1796. THE FIRST PRESENTATION OF KANT’S PHILOSOPHY IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE £1,500
RUSSELL (Bertrand). A group of three scarce leaflets from Bertrand… 1922. THE SUM TOTAL OF PRINTED MATERIAL PRODUCED FOR RUSSELL’S 1922 ELECTION CAMPAIGN. £575
[MILL]., KINZER (Bruce)., ROBSON (Ann P.) & ROBSON (John M.) A Moralist In and Out of Parliament. John… 1992. £50
ROSE (Dwight C.) A Scientific Approach to Investment Management, 1928. SEEK ADVICE FROM THOSE WHO NOT LOOKING TO SELL THEIR PRODUCT £750
KEYNES (John Maynard). A Tract on Monetary Reform, 1923. “In the modern world … there is no escape from a ‘managed’ currency, whether we wish it or not” £375
KEYNES (John Maynard). A Tract on Monetary Reform, 1923. “In the modern world … there is no escape from a ‘managed’ currency, whether we wish it or not” £300
MITCHELL (B.R.) With the Collaboration of & DEANE (Phyllis). Abstract of British Historical Statistics, 1962. £125
[SMITH (Adam).] & O'DRISCOLL (Gerald P.) Editor. Adam Smith and Modern Political Economy. Bicentennial Essays… 1979. £75