LA FONTAINE (Jean de) Contes et nouvelles en vers. Paris, chez Chevalier, 1792. SOUGHT-AFTER ENGRAVINGS £600
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FELLOWS (George) & & FREEMAN (Benson) Historical Records of the South Nottinghamshire Hussars Yeomanry,… 1928. £200
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FLORENTIUS OF HAARLEM Vera ac syncera vitae Christianae norma seu regula… 1559. EXPANDED EDITION £400
RUGGLES-BRISE (Cecily J.) Notes on Some Birds of Dar es Salaam, 1927. AUTHOR'S PRESENTATION COPY £250
CAMILLI (Camillo) Imprese illustri di diversi. Parte prima [-terza]. Venice, Francesco… 1586. ITALIAN IMPRESE £1,500