[MONTERCHI (Giuseppe)] Scelta de medaglioni piu rari nella Bibliotheca dell'… 1679. BOUND FOR BIBLIOPHILE AND ART COLLECTOR PAULO VAN UCHELEN £1,500
[MORGAN (Joseph).] & SALE (George). The Lives and Memorable Actions of Many Illustrious… 1739. EARLY BRITISH BIOGRAPHIES OF ISLAMIC LEADERS AND SCHOLARS £1,250
BLAINVILLE (Monsieur de). Travels through Holland, Germany, Switzerland, but especially Italy, 1757. £800
[SOLDINI (Francesco Maria)] Delle eccellenze e grandezze della nazione fiorentina, 1780. A VIBRANTLY ILLUSTRATED ODDITY £1,250
LETTS (Malcolm, F.S.A.), translator and editor. The Travels of Leo of Rozmital through Germany,… 1957. £45
BECKINGHAM (C.F.) & HUNTINGFORD (G.W.B.), translators and editors. Some Records of Ethiopia 1593-1646. Being Extracts from… 1954. £45
WRIGHT (Irene A., B.A., F.R.Hist.S.), translator and editor. Further English Voyages to Spanish America 1583-1594. Documents… 1967. £45