[ARABIAN HORSES.] & BAHREIN WAR FUND RACES. Official Race Card. Spring Meeting - 15th February… 1945. HORSE RACING IN BAHRAIN £450
NASH (John Forbes, Jr.), MAYBERRY (John). & SHUBIK (Martin). A Comparison of Treatments of a Duopoly Situation, 1953. NASH ON COURNOT £1,500
GARNIER (Pierre) The Battle of Ibera at which the Romans… 1480. FROM A LAVISH MANUSCRIPT HISTORY OF ROME £15,000
FISHER (Irving). The Purchasing Power of Money. Its Determination and… 1911. THE FISHER EQUATION OF EXCHANGE £2,000
WICKSELL (Knut). Interest and Prices (Geldzins und Güterpreise). A Study… 1936. A MAJOR INFLUENCE ON THE KEYNESIAN SCHOOL £1,750
[FRENCH GUIANA.] Plan de l’établissement penitentiaire de St Laurent, 1859. A NEW PENAL COLONY IN FRENCH GUIANA £5,000