KIPLING (Rudyard). The Phantom 'Rickshaw and Other Tales, 1889. SUPERNATURAL FICTION BY KIPLING, PRINTED IN INDIA £575
WALKER (Alice). The Color Purple, 1986. "’If [God] ever listened to poor colored women the world would be a different place." £250
[HARE (Robert).] A vindication of the Cherokee claims, addressed to… 1830. SPEAKING AGAINST THE INDIAN REMOVALS ACT £750
ORWELL (George). Kolgosp Tvarin. Kazka. [Animal Farm. A Fairy Story.], 1947. FIRST UKRAINIAN EDITION OF ANIMAL FARM £1,750
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DROWER (E. S.). Peacock Angel: Being some Account of Votaries of… 1941. WITH THE YAZIDIS IN IRAQI KURDISTAN £450
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