JAILLOT (Alexis Hubert). Tablettes geographiques, ou recueil des principales cartes, generales… 1699. £4,000
LA POPELLINIERE (Lancelot-Voisin, Seigneur de). L'Amiral de France, et par occasion, de celuy… 1584. PROMOTING THE FRENCH COLONIZATION OF THE NEW WORLD £19,500
S. DOMINIC'S PRESS. & THOMPSON (Francis). The Mistress of Vision. Together with a Commentary… 1918. Printed "in days whose feet are rumourous on the air" £200
RUSCHENBERGER (W.S.W.). Narrative of a Voyage round the World, during the… 1838. An American naval surgeon in Oman £2,000
DOUGHTY (C.M.) Correspondence with Doughty’s publisher 'Messers Duckworth', and specifically… A rich archive of an effort to restore English literature £8,500