[YEMEN.] & UNIDENTIFIED PHOTOGRAPHER [but possibly NEDEY (Charles)]. Carte-de-visite of the Sultan of Lahej, al-Fadl III… 1875. Rare early photograph of the Sultan of Lahej £450
APOLLINARIS, Bp. of Laodicaea, [Greek] MEtaphtrasis tou Psalteros... Interpretatio psalmorum versibus heroicis, 1580. A HERETIC'S WRITINGS £580
RICHARDSON (John), & GRAY (John Edward). Ichthyology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Erebus &… 1874. ZOOLOGY OF THE EREBUS & TERROR £3,500
JACHMANN (E[duard Karl Edmanuel].) Allgemeine Grundzüge einer Flotten-Tactik nach der Holländischen Tactik… 1850. £125
GWASG GREGYNOG. & ESSLEMONT (David) & HUGHES (Glyn Hughes). Gwasg Gregynog. A Descriptive Catalogue of Printing at… 1990. £20
ASHE ([Waller], Major) & & EDGELL (E[dmund] V[erney] Wyatt, Capt. The Hon.) The Story of The Zulu Campaign, 1880. £650
GREGYNOG PRESS. An Account of the Convincement, Exercises, Services, and… 1928. Iorwerth Peate's copy £150
[FREDERICK THE GREAT] & AUGUIS (P[ierre]-R[ené]) Mémoires Historiques de Frédéric II, dit le Grand, 1828. £125
[OUDINOT (Marshal Nicolas-Charles, Duc de Reggio)] & STIEGLER (Gaston) Le Maréchal Oudinot, Duc de Reggio, 1894. £80
[GREENLAND]. Nalunaerutit Sinerissap Kujatâne Misigssuissut Pivdlugit, 1872. ALL THE STATS ON GREENLAND £2,250
BREYDENBACH (Bernhard Von) & HUEN (Nicolas Le). Le Grant Voyage de Hierusalem divisé en deux… 1522. With the Spectacular Folding Woodcuts £40,000