HOUGHTON (John). A Collection of Letters for the Improvement of… 1681. “ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ENGLISH SHOULD QUICKLY BE SENT TO JAMAICA” £8,000
[BELOE (William)]. Incidents of Youthful Life; or, the True History… 1790. "A VERY PROPER PRESENT FOR A SCHOOLBOY" £1,250
PONTING (H.G.) Views of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910. Images from Scott's Last Expedition £12,000
SMITH (Adam). Essays on Philosophical Subjects, 1795. THE PHILOSOPHICAL PRINCIPLES OF ADAM SMITH. £7,500
OFFICINA BODONI., MARDERSTEIG (Giovanni), editor. & FELICIANO (Felice) Alphabetum Romanum, 1960. £600
HOKUSAI (Katsushika), illustrator. & AKAMATSU (Sotan). Tonegawa Zushi. [A History of the Tonegawa Basin], 1915. £2,200
[SHAW (George Bernard)]. & GATTIE (Alfred Warwick). Four Patent Specifications by Alfred Warwick Gattie, Henry… £500
LA FONTAINE (Jean de) Contes et nouvelles en vers. Paris, chez Chevalier, 1792. SOUGHT-AFTER ENGRAVINGS £600
[GEDDES (Vice-Admiral Sir Eric)] Presentation Album of the Gun Ammunition Filling Department… 1971. £300
FELLOWS (George) & & FREEMAN (Benson) Historical Records of the South Nottinghamshire Hussars Yeomanry,… 1928. £200