SRAFFA (Piero). Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities. Prelude… 1960. SRAFFA’S “CLASSIC IN CAPITAL THEORY”. £500
WIESER (Friedrich von). Natural Value. Edited with a Preface and Analysis… 1893. A CLASSIC OF THE AUSTRIAN SCHOOL, ONE OF WIESER’S MOST IMPORTANT EARLY WORKS. £650
FOURIER (Charles). Traité de l'association domestique-agricole, 1822. SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR AND BOUND WITH THE SCARCE SUPPLEMENT. £2,500
MARX (Karl). & PARETO (Vilfredo). (Introduction). Le Capital. Extraits faits par M. Paul Lafargue, 1893. A SURPRISING PAIRING. £875
OWEN (Robert). Six Lectures on Charity, delivered at The Institution… 1820. ON THE ROLE OF CHARITY IN OWEN’S “NEW MORAL WORLD”. £750
LAW (John)., HUME (David). & GEE (Joshua). Considerations sur le commerce et sur l'argent, 1720. A SAMMELBAND OF THREE IMPORTANT WORKS OF EIGHTEENTH CENTURY BRITISH ECONOMICS, IN FRENCH TRANSLATION. £7,500
RUSSELL (Bertrand). A group of three scarce leaflets from Bertrand… 1922. THE SUM TOTAL OF PRINTED MATERIAL PRODUCED FOR RUSSELL’S 1922 ELECTION CAMPAIGN. £575
MARCUSE (Herbert). Eros and Civilization: A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud, 1955. A PRESENTATION COPY. £1,250
BENTHAM (Jeremy). Codification Proposal, Addressed by Jeremy Bentham to all… 1822. THE REVISION OF ALL JURIDICIAL IDEAS UNDER THE PRINCIPLE OF UTILITY. £1,100
KEYNES (John Maynard). A Tract on Monetary Reform, 1923. “In the modern world … there is no escape from a ‘managed’ currency, whether we wish it or not” £375
ROBINSON (Joan). Essays in the Theory of Employment, 1937. ROBINSON’S ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO KEYNESIANISM. £350
FREUD (Sigmund). Ueber familiäre Formen von cerebralen Diplegien, 1893. A PRESENTATION COPY OF AN EARLY NEUROLOGICAL WORK. £6,500