[HENSON (Matthew)] & ROBINSON (Bradley). Dark Companion: the life story of Matthew Henson… 1948. £150
TROLLOPE (Charles). [Maps, manuscripts, and printed ephemera from Trollope's time… 1858. WITH AN IMPORTANT MS. MAP OF QUEBEC £6,500
WASHBURN (Watson). & DE LONG (Edmund S.) High and Low Financiers. Some Notorious Swindlers and… 1932. £250
[BLAKE (William).] & GILCHRIST (Alexander). Life of William Blake, with Selections from his… 1880. £1,250
[BELL (Gertrude).] The Arab of Mesopotamia. [And] Asiatic Turkey, 1917. ESSAYS ON IRAQ BY GERTRUDE BELL, WITH A DESCRIPTION OF IBN SAUD £1,350